Call: (872) 330-3627 for appointment at our free clinic.


What to Expect

 Intern roles at IAMACF can be fairly fluid. Interns are able to discuss with their supervisor the projects that they would like to work on. In an ever-improving clinic, there are many different types of projects that interns can contribute to. Some projects that have been completed in the past include, surveying for quality improvement measures, compiling clinic demographics, creating poster designs, monitoring social media platforms, making informational packets, designing new clinic resources and more. Additionally, our interns are able to translate for patients and shadow physicians once they have completed their tasks for the day, allowing them to engage in patient interaction. Interns have the opportunity to attend outreach and advocacy events as well. The objective of the internship is to provide interns with the experience of a medical clinic workflow from both a provider point of view as well as administrative. 

Interested in Volunteering?

If you would like to volunteer, you can send us an email at Please provide a CV, HIPAA certificate, level of education, and area of interest.